

I am an astrophysicist and planetary scientist researching small bodies in the Solar System. I am currently an assistant professor at the Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. I am also a visiting researcher at the University of Edinburgh where I am a PhD co-supervisor of Abbie Donaldson.

Between 2018 and 2021 I was a Research Fellow at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Garching, Germany. In 2018, I completed my PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen, Germany and The Open University in Milton Keynes in the UK.

I use ground photometric observations to study the physical properties and surface characteristics of comets, Trans-Neptunian objects and other related minor-planet populations in the Solar system. These objects have the potential to reveal many important details of the formation and subsequent evolution of the Solar system. However, extracting this important information requires a multidisciplinary approach with contributions from observers, modelers and theoreticians. This motivated me to innitiate an international collaboration “The life cycle of comets” which has been funded within the ISSI International Team framework.

In addition to my main focus on telescope observations, I also contribute to space missions. Prior to adoption, I was part of ESA’s Comet Interceptor team where I served as a Nucleus science theme deputy coordinator. Comet Interceptor will be the first space mission to visit a long-period comet (or possibly even an interstellar object). Currently I serve as a member of the mission’s Target Identification Working Group. I also joined the Investigation team of the planetary defense missions DART (by NASA) to the binary asteroid Didymos in order to help with the characterization of the mission target.

As part of my work at ESO, I supported the VLT operations in Paranal Observatory in Chile. Later, I worked on supporting the ELT working groups, focusing on the PSF-R working group. As part of that role, I also organized the ESO Workshop “Solar System Science with the ELTs” in 2022, envisioned as the first of a 3-part conference series “Extremely Big Eyes on the Solar System”. In 2019/2020 I led the organization of the 2nd and 3rd ESO Summer Research Programme.

If you’re interested to know more about me and my path in astronomy, you can read this piece from the ESO Messenger.



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